Saturday 23 July 2016

CDF commends US for military drill success

THE Tanzania People’s Defense Forces (TPDF), Chief of Defense Force (CDF), General Davis Mwamunyange has urged the participants of the multinational joint military drill dubbed ‘Command Post Eastern Accord Exercise 2016’ to share the knowledge they had acquired during the exercise with colleagues in their respective forces.
General Mwamunyange gave the advice yesterday in Dar es Salaam at the TPDF Peace Keeping Training centre in Kunduchi when closing the two- week exercise hosted by Tanzania and facilitated by the United States which involved nine countries from Africa, Europe and the U.S.
The CDF urged the 200 personnel from Uganda , Rwanda, Djibouti , Ethiopia, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, U.S and hosts Tanzania who took part in the exercise to ensure they share the knowledge and techniques they had obtained to as many colleagues as they can in their respective forces to ensure the knowledge of combating the global challenges is spread among them.
Also in his closing speech, General Mwamunyange commended U.S support by sponsoring, coordinating and facilitating the exercise which made the exercise possible and successful. He also said the exercise cements the relationship between the participating countries and urged the participants to endure the relation.
According to General Mwamunyange, the joint exercise aimed at combating challenges facing the world currently such as terrorism, piracy, drug and human trafficking, and natural calamities which aims to make the world a safe and peaceful place for everyone to live in.
The Command Post Eastern Accord Exercise 16 as well aimed at strengthening the professional capabilities of the forces in combating various challenges plus their readiness in responding to various missions.
Speaking earlier during the brief closing ceremony, the Eastern Accord 16 Exercise Director from the TPDF, Brigadier General Yohana Mabongo said the exercise was successful and acknowledged the participants for being devoted to the exercise making it a success.
On his side, the Co Exercise Director, U.S Brigadier General Jon Jensen from the U.S Army Africa, apart from congratulating the participating countries for executing well the exercises, he also commended the professionalism displayed by all participants of the exercise and gave them the duty to take what they have learnt to their respective forces. Brigadier General Jensen as well thanked TPDF for hosting the exercise and going an extra mile in making the exercise a success.
The Commanding Post Eastern Accord 16 organised by the U.S army and hosted by TPDF which commenced on July 11 and was launched by the Minister of Defence and National Service, Hussein Mwinyi.



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